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Diabetic Foot Care

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Diabetic Foot Care refers to the specialized management and attention given to the feet of individuals living with diabetes. Diabetes can cause nerve damage (neuropathy) and reduced blood circulation, particularly in the extremities like the feet. As a result, people with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing foot-related complications such as diabetic foot ulcers and infections. Our Chiropodist specializes in the assessment, monitoring, prevention and treatment of conditions associated with diabetes.

Living without pain sounds pretty good, but it comes at a high cost. Pain is the body’s way of telling you something’s wrong so you can take care of yourself. If you don’t feel pain in your feet, you may not notice a cut, blister, sore, or other problem. Small problems can become serious if they aren’t treated early.

Expert care for your feet provided by our Chiropodist

Our chiropodist specializes in evaluating, supervising, preventing, and addressing conditions linked to diabetes. We develop customized plans aimed at providing care and prevention strategies for individuals with diabetes who are at risk of developing foot complications. If you’re living with diabetes, it is essential to get regular foot exams. Our Chiropodist has over 20 years of experience running diabetic foot related programs and has effective solutions to help you every step of the way.

Our Diabetic Foot Care involves addressing and preventing a range of potential issues, including:


Nerve damage can lead to reduced sensation, making it harder to detect injuries or problems.

Foot Ulcers

Open sores on the feet that can become infected if not properly managed.

Charcot Foot

Weakening of the bones in the foot, often resulting from unnoticed fractures.

Ingrown Toenails

Can cause infections if not treated promptly.

Foot Deformities

Conditions like hammertoes or bunions can lead to increased pressure points and complications.


Severe tissue death due to reduced blood supply, requiring urgent medical attention.

Reduced Blood Circulation

Poor circulation slows down healing and can contribute to the development of ulcers and infections.


Due to compromised immunity and slower healing, infections can escalate quickly.

Calluses and Corns

Thickened areas of skin that can lead to ulcers if not properly managed.

Dry Skin

Cracked skin can become an entry point for infections.

Poorly Fitting Shoes

Ill-fitting footwear can cause blisters, calluses, and other issues.


If complications progress, amputation may become necessary to prevent severe infection or spread.

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